Are you a good rabbit owner? Here’s how to handle pet parent guilt

Every bunny parent feels it at one point or another. The look in your bunny’s eye or the pitter pattering of small feet are just some of the triggers for pet parent guilt. Here are some of the reasons behind the guilt and why you are a GREAT pet parent.

Not Giving Your Bunny All The Treats

HOW YOUR BUNNY ACTS: If your rabbit is anything like Baby, he LIVES for treats. As in he acts like he’s never eaten a day in his life! Each food pellet is a gift, and each carrot bit is a miracle. According to your rabbit, you are clearly starving him and this stomach is an empty void.

According to Baby, if a bowl is empty for more than two minutes, it is a sign he will soon starve.

REALITY: You give the healthy amount of food pellets! You give some treats for tricks and cuteness (although sometimes a tad much). There is always plenty of hay to rummage around in the playpen. Resist the urge to splurge! You wouldn’t exclusively feed kids candy, so don’t give in to your bun’s gluttony either! Stick to your bunny’s healthy diet. You know what your rabbit needs better than your rabbit does.  If you really are worried about what you’re feeding your bunny, call up your vet.

Not Giving Your Bunny Enough Play Time

HOW YOUR BUNNY ACTS: Maybe your bun bites at the pen wires or rests her chin on the floor with a look of melancholy. She might binky away from you as you’re trying to round her up after hours of outdoor playtime. She has been trapped for centuries in her small area indoors while you were at work or out shopping.

REALITY: You are doing the best you can! As long as you’re not ONLY using the standard cages from the pet store, your rabbit will survive. In the wild, rabbits would have unlimited space to run around. Guess what they would also have. Predators. There’s a trade off for domestic living. Make sure your bun has enough room to binky inside a pen, and she should be fine. Pepper often acts like she’s trapped in her castle. Then, the second she gets out for play time, she sits in her favorite spot for hours. Don’t sweat it. Most humans would love a mansion, but some have to settle for studio apartments.

Having A Single Bunny

HOW YOUR BUNNY ACTS: Actually, your rabbit seems fine. He binkies everywhere, eats perfectly fine, and snuggles with you for hours. It’s the internet and some of the more negative rabbit community members that are telling you your rabbit is depressed. Rabbits are by nature used to living in a warren. You’re a selfish and terrible pet parent for denying him more rabbit company.

two bunnies meeting through a fence
Baby and Pepper would often meet through a fence. Although they eventually got along enough to lay by each other, there were definitely some tensions.

REALITY: You are the pet parent! Maybe your apartment is too small for two rabbits. Maybe your rabbit is an emotional support animal. Maybe you don’t have the time to find a compatible rabbit and go through the intense bonding process. Would it be nice to give your bun a friend? Totally! Is it right for every pet parent? Not necessarily! Be your best pet parent self, and it will all be fine!

Breath! You’re doing the best you can, and your bunny loves you!

Have you been dealing with some pet parent guilt? Let me know in the comments, and we’ll get through it together!